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Table 5 The participants’ suggestions regarding the proper timing in the sequence of teaching for religion to be related

From: Scientists’ and teachers’ attitudes toward relating to religion when teaching evolution




Before learning evolution

“In order to decrease antagonism, before starting to teach evolution, I would say this: let’s put the things on the table (relate to the things as they are): this is the Torah. This is science. There are certain approaches that reject evolution, that claim this and that, and approaches that accept it, that claim this and that. When understanding the complexity of the issue we can study evolution” (S6)

T1, T8, T9


After learning evolution

“In order to discuss whether evolution and religion can complement, we first have to understand what evolution is. Knowledge is the basis for everything. (T3)

T2, T3, T4 T10

Before shortly, after in details

I tell the students we are about to learn evolution, and to ease the discomfort I tell them that there are rabbis that discussed the issue and there are various approaches to deal with the conflict and we will talk about everything after we learn evolution.” (T7)
