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Table 1 Conference planning checklist

From: Applied evolutionary education: the benefits and costs of hosting regional evolution conferences

Conference Checklist

1 Year before Event (If Hosting at a University):

 \(\square\) Begin looking into room reservations as far out as a year beforehand

 \(\square\) Contact and communicate with University reservations/scheduling, if applicable

 \(\square\) Negotiate room fees or funding from Dean’s office, if applicable

 \(\square\) Contact and communicate with the state board of education or local school of education to develop accepted Teacher Professional Development opportunities

8 Months before Event:

 \(\square\) Update the conference website/prep for the next conference

 \(\square\) Create call for proposals

 \(\square\) Update social media

7 Months before Event:

 \(\square\) Update social media/advertise for conference

 \(\square\) Begin searching for possible venue locations

6 Months before Event:

 \(\square\) Update social media/advertise for conference

 \(\square\) Check available funds (contact treasurer)/enlist sponsors

 \(\square\) Maintain a checklist of available funds

 \(\square\) Determine how funds will be collected (Note: University accounts can be complicated)

 \(\square\) Contact conference committee/schedule a meeting

 \(\square\) Search for a Keynote Speaker

 \(\square\) Discuss student mixer

 \(\square\) Reserve university poster board displays, if needed/available

 \(\square\) Contact local teaching groups and advertise Professional Development opportunities

5 Months before Event:

 \(\square\) Update social media

 \(\square\) Send out reminders for proposals/final call

 \(\square\) Narrow down search for venues/begin to book reservations if possible

 \(\square\) Decide on a hotel location

 \(\square\) Decide T-shirt color/design

 \(\square\) Plan student mixer

 \(\square\) Discuss transportation to and from event

4 Months before Event:

 \(\square\) Update social media

 \(\square\) Deadline for proposals

 \(\square\) Begin reviewing proposals and accepting abstracts

 \(\square\) Book conference venue

 \(\square\) Announce a recommended hotel on the conference website

 \(\square\) Look into parking on campus—prices/discounts for conference attendees

 \(\square\) Post accepted abstracts to website

 \(\square\) Create a Facebook page for students attending

3 Months before Event:

 \(\square\) Finish posting accepted abstracts to website

 \(\square\) Begin constructing conference schedule

 \(\square\) Order t-shirts

 \(\square\) Send out reminders for attendees concerning payment

 \(\square\) Confirm student mixer location/details

 \(\square\) Post transportation information/parking details/hotel options to website

 \(\square\) Begin designing flyers for event

 \(\square\) Confirm that venue and conference rooms are booked

 \(\square\) Create event program

2 Months before Event:

 \(\square\) Update social media

 \(\square\) Finish schedule

 \(\square\) Confirm payment with attendees

 \(\square\) Gather supplies for conference

  \(\square\) Square card reader (for debit/credit purchases)

  \(\square\) Tablecloth

  \(\square\) Coffee maker

  \(\square\) Hot water heater (for tea)

  \(\square\) Poster stands and poster boards (depending on what type used)

 \(\square\)  Fold-out tables

  \(\square\) Chairs

  \(\square\) Extension cable(s)

  \(\square\) Surge protector(s)

 \(\square\) Fold T-shirts/begin boxing

 \(\square\) Finishing touches on event program

 \(\square\) Create a list of those who have and have not paid (use this list for registration table during event)

 \(\square\) Create goodie bags/event prizes (if desired)

 \(\square\) Gather audio and visual recording devices (if planning to record talks)

 \(\square\) Decide on T-shirt prices (for selling to attendees)

1 Month before Event:

 \(\square\) Update social media

 \(\square\) Print event flyers and begin distributing

 \(\square\) Print event programs (or complete paperless option)

Month of Event:

 \(\square\) Get breakfast food and coffee/tea (for event breakfast before talks)

 \(\square\) Check to ensure that projectors and audio devices work in the conference rooms.

 \(\square\) Update social media

Day before Event:

 \(\square\) Carry items over to conference room (or store in cars)

  \(\square\) Poster stands/boards/clips

  \(\square\) Camera

  \(\square\) Tables/tablecloths

  \(\square\) Chairs

  \(\square\) Square card reader

  \(\square\) Goodie bags

  \(\square\) T-shirts

  \(\square\) Coffee/tea maker

  \(\square\) Breakfast supplies

  \(\square\) Extension cable

  \(\square\) Event programs & schedule

  \(\square\)Get rest!