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Table 1 Terminology in the postcreationist origin of species (Wise 1990)

From: Dissent with modification: how postcreationism’s claim of hyperrapid speciation opposes yet embraces evolutionary theory




The identification and study of biblical kinds (baramins), equivalent within postcreationism to biological systematics

Baramin or “Created Kind” or “Biblical Kind” or Kind

The fundamental biological unit of postcreationism, roughly comparable to a genus- or family-level clade in mainstream taxonomy. Successful hybridization of two extant species is considered sufficient but not necessary evidence that they are members of the same baramin


The totality of members of a single baramin, including extant, fossil, and extinct varieties and individuals. Equivalent to a monophyletic clade

Archeobaramin or “Original Pair”

The most recent original population from which all extant members of a baramin descended. The archeobaramin for each terrestrial vertebrate baramin is associated with 2–14 individuals on the Ark during the flood; the archeobaramin for other baramins is associated with the original populations of the Genesis Creation Week. Equivalent to the common ancestor of basal clade


Descent with modification by standard biological processes, resulting in diversification which may include speciation within a single holobaramin


Evolutionary change sufficient to generate a novel kind. Often depicted by postcreationists as a member of one kind transitioning into membership within another kind; purported necessary to permit universal common descent. Also used synonymously with the theory of universal common descent as well as more broadly, including abiogenesis; often referred to colloquially as “molecules to man evolution” or “from goo to you by way of the zoo” (Hill et al. 1985) in YEC rhetoric