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Table 3 Study 1—Summary of hierarchical linear model results of pre and post-test data

From: Iterative design of a simulation-based module for teaching evolution by natural selection

Q: Do students show improvement on assessment after using the tutorial version of the module?

A: Yes. Students had a mean gain of 12.11 points after using the tutorial version of the module

Score ~ time

Fixed predictor

Estimate ± SE

p value


64.01 ± 2.55

< 0.0001


12.11 ± 0.41

< 0.0001

Q: Do advanced students perform better than beginner students on the assessment?

A: No. Advanced students did not perform better than beginner students

Score ~ time + type + time * type

Fixed predictor

Estimate ± SE



62.25 ± 3.42

< 0.0001


12.30 ± 0.50

< 0.0001

Type of class

4.25 ± 5.33


Time * type of class

− 0.61 ± 0.89


  1. Both models include random factors for student (level 2) and class (level 3) to account for the lack of independence between scores. Full model taxonomy included in Additional file 1: Table S6; means for beginning and advanced classes shown in Additional file 1: Table S7 (2644 observations on 1322 students within 13 classes)