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Table 2 Supplemental material description

From: “Are Humans Evolving?” A Classroom Discussion to Change Student Misconceptions Regarding Natural Selection

Discussion tools

Goal of this item:

Sample student(s)–instructor dialogue

To show the pattern of logic we use to directly address student misconceptions

Relevant cartoon

To provide a visual representation of a common student misconception (humorously)

Example tools

Goal of this item:

CCR5 and HIV interaction diagram

To show students how the CCR5 protein interacts with HIV on a cell surface

CCR5 DNA sequences

To provide a concrete representation of variation in the population at the CCR5 locus

Table of allele frequencies

To show students how the frequency of the mutation varies around the world and provide a basis for discussing how evolution is likely to change allele frequencies in parts of the world differentially affected by HIV

Graph of human height change over the last two centuries

To provide a visual representation of the change in human height that students often mention as evidence of evolution

Details about height data

To provide instructors with a large data set that can be used to create graphs and address questions about human height

Histogram of height

To show students how height varies in the human population

Heritability of height graph

To provide a simple visual representation of the evidence that height is heritable by comparing father and son height

Map of chromosome sections associated with human stature

To show students how quantitative traits (traits controlled by multiple genes and the interactions between those genes) can be the result of multiple DNA segments

Reproductive success and height graph

To show students evidence that height is associated reproductive success