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Table 2 Student learning goals and outcomes

From: Performing Evolution: Role-Play Simulations






List the requirements for different mechanisms of evolution, explaining how stages in the differently performed simulations illustrate each.

Construct diagrams similar to Fig. 2 that predict the outcomes of simulations, but for situations in which not all of the requirements have been met. Do this for natural selection, mutation, migration, and genetic drift.

1, 5


Resolve the paradox that natural selection responds to the moment, but that it is also appropriate for predicting certain results.

Predict the results of natural selection when appropriate (e.g., antibiotic resistance), recognizing that the environmental factors that define selective pressure remain constant.

2, 3, 3a, 3b, 3c

Analyze case studies to determine whether natural selection, mutation, migration, or genetic drift is occurring.


Explain why natural selection is a sorting process and why mutation, migration, and genetic drift are not.

Choreograph a performance that illustrates the difference between sorting, creative, and random processes.

4, 4a, 4b, 4c, 4d, 5

Categorize different mechanisms into sorting, creative, or random processes.


Recognize natural selection is only one of the several mechanisms of evolutionary change.

Find hitchhiking traits in simulations and case studies.

5, 5a

Choreograph performance-based simulations that illustrate and analyze other mechanisms of evolutionary change, including mutation, genetic drift, and migration working independently of or along with natural selection.

  1. Concepts are keyed to Table 1