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Table 1 Summary of salient facts about human evolution

From: Fossils that Change Everything We Know About Human Evolution (...Or Not)


Known since

Based on

Humans existed in the geological past, long before the oldest historical records

before 1860

Archeological sites and artifacts associated with extinct animal species and ancient geological deposits

Fossils of ancient humans exist, some of which are distinctly different in anatomy from living people


Discovery and recognition of Neanderthals from European sites

Some fossil/extinct humans were bipedal, but with brain sizes two-thirds that of living people


Discovery of Homo erectus in Java

Some fossil species had ape-sized brains with large faces and teeth unlike those of living humans but were nonetheless bipedal


Discovery of australopithecines in South Africa

Multiple lineages of fossil hominids have coexisted in time and space, some closer to the ancestry of living people and some wholly extinct


Fossil sites in southern and eastern Africa

Evidence of frequent stone tool manufacture appears in the fossil record long after bipedalism but before major increase in brain size


Fossil sites in eastern Africa