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Table 2 Comparison of students’ activities with the two different environments as relevant to the three phases of inquiry

From: “Virtual Inquiry”: Teaching Molecular Aspects of Evolutionary Biology Through Computer-Based Inquiry

Inquiry phases and steps

Inquiry supports

With the GSLC VRL

With the MyDNA VRL

Search phase

 Ask research questions

None predetermined but confirmatory question to focus on process can be added

User determined questions can focus on the effects of voltage or concentration

 Select variables

No variable selection possible

User determined selection of variables via point and click

 Design experiments

No experimentation via designing tests is possible

Experimental design to investigate different variables. Click of button automation eases cognitive load

Evaluation phase

 Determine data analysis methods

Measurement method given—compare predetermined end-product (fragment distribution) to molecular ruler

User chooses method of measurement

 Measure data outcome/examine properties of data

User determines length of each fragment based on molecular ruler (ladder DNA)

User chooses to examine either distance traveled or end-product distribution—based on method selected above

 Interpret variable effects on data outcome

No variable effect can be documented

Evaluate the effect (or lack of effect) of user-selected variables based on data

Reasoning phase

 Infer the mechanism of the effects of focal variables

Predetermined data provides visual support to conceptualize the fragment travel

Effect of user-selected variables is determined based on data outcome by users

 Nature of reasoning

Practical reasoning focuses on “proof-of-concept” or confirmation

Scientific reasoning about variable effects on user selected dependent variable

 Inform new goals for learning

Continued reasoning is possible about mechanisms of fragment distribution

Continued reasoning is possible about mechanisms of fragment distribution or distance traveled